
许多精神疾病在生命早期就开始了. Diagnosing and treating ill children and young people are very important for the quality of the lives ahead of them. 我们预防精神疾病的宏伟目标需要发现复杂的病因,并制定更早和更有效的干预措施. 这些愿望对整个心理健康产生了影响.

我们的研究人员对巴尔的摩三个校区的教职员工进行了广泛的精神疾病调查. 该司的工作也遍及全州, national, 国际合作遍及美国, Canada, the UK, Ethiopia, Nepal and beyond. 研究由NIMH资助, SAMHSA, 马里兰州, with private foundations and individual donors also providing generous support. 我们目前的研究方法和途径是多种多样的, 从分子分析, to neuroimaging, 行为干预测验, 以及临床药物试验. 了解更多关于每个主要研究者的具体研究项目,链接在下面的一般主题区域描述.


ADHD | Anxiety Disorders | 自闭症谱系障碍 | Behavioral Medicine | Childhood Trauma | Community Outreach | 情绪/自我调节过程 | Mood Disorders | 神经发育障碍 |肥胖、饮食失调 | 强迫症和神经精神障碍 | Schizophrenia | 物质使用障碍


多动症是儿童时期最常见的行为诊断. It incurs high medical costs and can contribute to poor academic achievement, 成人精神疾病, substance abuse, 以及犯罪行为. Building on the long-standing observation that children with ADHD often demonstrate difficulties with motor control, several of our studies are measuring gains in cognitive and behavioral control using mindful movement training, especially Tai Chi. 其他研究正在检查患有多动症的青春期前儿童大脑中的抑制和奖励机制,还有一些研究正在比较注意力, learning, memory, reward response, 自我控制和运动技能的研究. 其他的研究集中在多动症与其他失调行为(如暴饮暴食)之间的联系. We are also examining ADHD-related sex differences and changes in brain structure and function into adolescence.

Investigators: Dejan Budimirovic, m.s.D., Matthew Burkey, M.D., Susan Carnell, Ph.D., Susan dosReis, Ph.D.罗伯特·芬德林,m.s.D., MBA, Bradley Grant, D.O., Lisa Jacobson, Ph.D., Carmen Lopez-Arvizu, M.D., Mark Mahone, Ph.D.., 斯图尔特·莫斯托夫斯基,m.s.D., Rick Ostrander, Ed.D., 艾莉森·普里查德博士.D., Keri Rosch, Ph.D.凯伦·西摩博士.D.丽贝卡·瓦里奥博士.D.贝内代托·维蒂洛,m.p.D.

Anxiety Disorders

焦虑症是青少年中最常见的精神疾病. 它们与严重的残疾有关, and are considered gateway disorders-- as they predict adult psychiatric illnesses. In order to expand data on the long-term effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of systematic efforts to prevent anxiety, 我们的一些研究人员正在对焦虑父母的高风险后代进行预防性干预的长期随访. 其他人则对巴尔的摩市学校系统的孩子们使用模块化认知行为干预(M-CBT)来减少过度焦虑,提高他们的教育成果. Still others are testing breathing-oriented treatment for panic disorder in adolescents.

Investigators: Dejan Budimirovic, m.s.D., Marco Grados, M.D., 考特尼·基顿博士.D., Mark Riddle, M.D., Roma Vasa, M.D.


自闭症谱系障碍(ASDs)是一类以社会功能和沟通障碍为特征的神经发育障碍. “ASD”一词包括自闭症, 未另行说明的广泛性发育障碍, 和阿斯伯格综合症. 我们的研究人员正在研究神经心理学, 自闭症患者一生中的学习和交流过程, 特别注重早期诊断, 社会心理和药物干预以改善功能. Others are looking into co-occurring conditions associated with ASD including ADHD, 焦虑和唐氏综合症. 与自闭症特征一起出现的遗传和代谢紊乱可能为ASD发展的潜在机制提供了一个窗口,人们也在进行探索.

Investigators: Lynn Bowman, M.A.Dejan Budimirovic, m.s.D.罗伯特·芬德林,m.s.D., MBA, 梅丽莎·戈德堡博士.D., Rebecca Landa, Ph.D.Rajneesh Mahajan, M.D., 斯图尔特·莫斯托夫斯基,m.s.D., Na Young Ji, M.D.Jennifer Zarcone博士.D.


精神疾病, 再加上其他的医疗条件, often present special clinical challenges and sometimes offer clues that can guide research. For example, 我们的研究人员正在研究受听力损失影响的儿童的大脑行为关系,以便开发适当的行为状况评估工具. The combination of medical and behavioral treatments seem to be most effective way to achieve the best outcomes. 符合这一领域的研究者, faculty are evaluating co-occurring disorders as moderators of treatment outcome in clinically complex patients, the development of emotion regulation in youth with co-occurring conditions (traumatic brain injury, epilepsy and seizures) and behavioral approaches to improve compliance with medical procedures, 药物治疗和生活方式的改变.

Investigators: Adrianna Amari, Ph.D.杰西卡·汉金森博士.D., Mark Mahone, Ph.D., Rick Ostrander, Ed.D., Carisa Perry-Parrish博士.D.乔纳森·佩夫斯纳,m.s.D.Jennifer Reesman博士.D., Jay Salpekar, M.D., Keith Slifer, Ph.D., Beth Slomine, Ph.D., Roma Vasa, M.D., Andrew Zabel, Ph.D.

Childhood Trauma

Research efforts in childhood trauma are broad –spanning from neurobiology to social policy. 对神经生物学的关注源于对早期压力对大脑发育和整体健康和福祉的长期影响的新发现. 对社会政策的关注来自社会环境在缓和早期逆境影响方面的有力证据. Research efforts include studies of mental health assessment and treatment outcomes, brain imaging, 遗传和环境因素(如.g.(创伤、社会支持),这些都能提高风险和复原力. 遭受虐待的儿童, neglect, or multiple caregivers have alterations in their stress-responsive neurobiological systems. 我们的一些研究人员正在研究创伤作为发现破坏性行为障碍和焦虑障碍/强迫症儿童生物标志物概况的一个因素.

Investigators: Lynn Bowman, M.A., Matthew Burkey, M.D., 黛博拉·格罗斯,民主党人罗伯特·芬德林,m.s.D., MBA, Joan Kaufman, Ph.D., Leslie Miller, M.D., Carolina Vidal, M.D., Albert Zachik, M.D.


Our clinicians strive to integrate mental health considerations into primary care pediatric settings, 向少数族裔和服务欠缺的社区提供服务, 并在整个医院照顾患有急性和慢性疾病的患者及其家属. 其中一些临床医生也在进行健康服务研究,以找到接触并影响年轻人生活的最佳方式,包括育儿计划, 与社会服务机构和寄养儿童建立伙伴关系. On a larger scale, 其他人正在研究卫生资源和服务, forensic psychiatry, 行为健康筛查, public health benefits of a teen depression education program as well as suicide intervention and prevention approaches.

Investigators: Shannon Barnett, M.D., Lindsay Borden, Ph.D., Matthew Burkey, M.D., Mary Cwik, Ph.D., Emily Frosch, M.D., 黛博拉·格罗斯,民主党人,杰西卡·汉金森博士.D., Joyce Harrison, M.D., Justine Larson, M.D., Dora Logue, M.D., Rick Ostrander, Ed.D., Maryland Pao, M.D., Carisa Perry-Parrish博士.D., Rheanna Platt, M.D., Cynthia Salorio, M.D., Cynthia Ward, Psy.D., Holly Wilcox, Ph.D., Larry Wissow, M.D., Andrea Young, Ph.D.


A central goal of parents and clinicians alike is the achievement and maintenance of children’s healthy development. Development of emotion regulation in youth is both a sign of and explanation for adaptive psychosocial functioning. 儿童的识别能力, understand, and integrate emotional information while simultaneously managing their behavior in accord with interpersonal (i.e.(如社交)和人际关系(如社交).e.(个人)目标是情绪调节的本质. Emotion regulation processes may be adversely affected by the presence of psychopathology (e.g.多动症,情绪障碍).

Investigators: Carisa Perry-Parrish博士.D.凯伦·西摩博士.D., Leslie Miller, M.D., 伊丽莎白·雷诺兹博士.D.

Mood Disorders

情绪障碍如重度抑郁症(MDD)和双相情感障碍(BPD)与许多负面后果有关,包括自杀, the second leading cause of death among children and adolescents aged 12–17 years. We are part of a large multi-site study called the Longitudinal Assessment of Manic Symptoms (LAMS3). 本研究通过使用神经影像学和神经认知测试跟踪躁狂症升高症状的进展,以确定儿童早期的哪些精神症状是发展为双相情感障碍的预测因子,从而检查了从儿童期到成年早期精神障碍的进展. 我们还开展了针对儿童和青少年重度抑郁症和双相情感障碍的安全有效的新药物的多项临床试验,以及评估目前使用的药物治疗安全性的纵向研究.

研究人员也在研究人际心理治疗(IPT)对被诊断为破坏性情绪失调(DMDD)和严重情绪失调(SMD)的青少年的影响。. Youth with DMDD have chronically irritable and angry mood with excessive reactivity, 爆发的表现为爆发的. These youth are at risk for significant impairment in multiple areas of functioning (school, peers, home). Our researchers are studying IPT with the goal of improving mood symptoms as well as interpersonal interactions. 研究人员还在开发具有文化敏感性的诊断工具,用于全球儿童心理健康中的破坏性行为障碍.

Investigators: Dejan Budimirovic, m.s.D罗伯特·芬德林,m.s.D. 工商管理硕士,布拉德利·格兰特博士.O., Elizabeth Kastelic, m.s.D., Leslie Miller, M.D., Rick Ostrander, Ed.D., Carisa Perry-Parrish博士.D., Matthew Burkey, M.D., MPH


Research on neurodevelopmental disorders includes a broad range of areas that impact the health of children. Our research includes the search for earlier genetic diagnosis of the rare Fragile X syndrome, Rett syndrome, Down syndrome, x连锁智力障碍, Smith-Lemli-Opitz综合征和其他疾病. Researchers are also examining how to better assess and successfully treat severe behavior disturbance such as self-injury, pica, and aggression. 正在研究的还有发育障碍,如自闭症和智力障碍,以及患有这些疾病的年轻人如何可能有破坏性行为障碍的风险. Additionally, 安全有效地治疗遗传疾病和睡眠障碍的药物临床试验也在进行中. Descriptions of other neurodevelopmental disorders are also found throughout the topics in these research highlights.

Investigators: Lynn Bowman, M.A., Dejan Budimirovic, m.s.D.迈克尔·卡尔塔多博士.D.罗伯特·芬德林,m.s.D., MBA, Louis Hagopian, Ph.D., James C. Harris, M.D., John Huete, Ph.D.朱莉娅·奥康纳博士.D., Mark Mahone, Ph.D.格里芬·鲁克博士.D.韦恩·西尔弗曼博士.D., Lee Wachtel, M.D.


Childhood obesity affects about a third of children and adolescents in the U.S. and confers a significant risk for current and future health impairment, and eating-related conditions such as loss of control eating and binge eating disorder. Obesity in early/mid-childhood is common and may reflect a distinct, high-risk, early-onset form. 使用行为和神经成像方法的结合, our researchers are exploring weight- and eating- associated differences in eating behavior, cognition, 以及儿童和青少年的大脑结构和功能. They are also studying the relationship between eating behaviors and comorbid disorders such as anxiety and ADHD. 行为机制研究, 比如冲动, 这可能会导致暴饮暴食等饮食失调行为, 还有其他感兴趣的领域吗.

Investigators: Susan Carnell, Ph.D.


Tourette’s syndrome and tic disorders are neurobehavioral disorders affecting 1% to 3% of children and adolescents. However, 我们的研究人员发现了一种特殊的行为干预, 重点是持续减少抽动症状, 和药物治疗一样有效, but without the side effects that often accompany pharmacological treatment. 约翰霍普金斯大学被指定为妥瑞氏症卓越中心. 其他研究侧重于评估共发障碍(ADHD), 强迫症和焦虑症)作为治疗结果的调节因子,以及开发和评估临床算法,以结合临床复杂患者的现有经验支持的治疗方法.

Other research focuses on the genetics of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in children. 研究包括强迫症的家族表型与儿童和青少年科妮莉亚·德·兰格综合征的抽动障碍和自闭症特征的关系. 小儿强迫症的药物治疗也在这里进行了研究.

Investigators: Marco Grados, M.D., MPH, Mark Riddle, M.D.


精神分裂症是一种慢性的、毁灭性的疾病,通常伴随着幻觉和妄想以及情感缺陷, 动机,社会和认知功能. 它通常出现在青春期晚期和成年早期, but growing evidence suggests that primary risks for the disease emerge during earlier neurodevelopment. 在分子水平上, 我们正在研究青少年和年轻人的细胞,以表征精神病早期病程中的生物标志物变化. 我们还在进行多项临床试验,以确定一些药物治疗青少年精神分裂症或相关精神障碍症状的安全性和有效性.

Investigators: Dejan Budimirovic, m.s.D罗伯特·芬德林,m.s.D., MBA, Carolyn Howell, M.D.


Substance use in youth poses significant clinical and public health problems for youth and their families. Developing areas of research include youth who are at high risk of substance abuse disorders (SUD), 社会压力对青少年冒险行为的影响, 以及识别预测青少年SUD的生物标志物.

Investigators: 克里斯托弗·哈蒙德,M.D.米歇尔·霍纳,民主党人.O., 伊丽莎白·雷诺兹博士.D.Geeta Subramaniam, m.s.D.