Doctor examining patient's spine
Doctor examining patient's spine
Doctor examining patient's spine


What is kyphosis?

A normal spine, when viewed from behind, appears straight. However, 脊柱后凸表现为背部上部的脊骨(椎骨)推荐十大正规网赌平台弯曲, giving an abnormally rounded or “humpback” appearance.

脊柱后凸被定义为x光片上脊柱弯曲50度或更大, 一种使用不可见的电磁能量束产生内部组织图像的诊断测试, bones and organs onto film. 正常的脊柱在上背部可以弯曲20到45度. Kyphosis is a type of spinal deformity.

What are the different types of kyphosis?

Postural Kyphosis

Postural kyphosis, or postural roundback, is thoracic kyphosis greater than 50 degrees with normal-shaped vertebrae. This type of kyphosis is flexible and often improves with exercises.

Scheuermann’s Kyphosis

Scheuermann 's后凸是指椎骨形成楔形的一种后凸. This type of kyphosis is more rigid and can worsen with growth. This occurs in 0.4 percent of the population, with males and females affected equally.

Congenital Kyphosis

先天性后凸的诊断假定一个或多个椎骨的形状不同. This difference is present at birth. The child is noted at birth to have an outward curve of the spine. This curve may become more noticeable with growth.

What causes kyphosis?


  • Metabolic problems

  • Neuromuscular conditions

  • Osteogenesis imperfecta, also called brittle bone disease; a condition that causes bones to fracture with minimal force.

  • Spina bifida

  • Scheuermann’s kyphosis: a condition that causes the vertebrae to curve forward in the upper back area; the cause of Scheuermann’s kyphosis is unknown and is commonly seen in males.

  • Postural kyphosis: the most common type of kyphosis; it generally becomes noticeable in adolescence and can be associated with slouching versus a spinal abnormality. Exercise is used to help correct posture.

Kyphosis is more common in females than males.

What are the symptoms of kyphosis?

The following are the most common symptoms of kyphosis. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

  • Difference in shoulder height

  • The head bends forward compared to the rest of the body

  • Difference in shoulder blade height or position

  • 推荐十大正规网赌平台弯曲时,上背部的高度看起来比正常情况要高

  • Tight hamstrings (back thigh) muscles

  • 背痛可能会出现,但很少严重到影响正常活动


What are the risk factors of kyphosis?

发生后凸的两个危险因素是骨质疏松症或低骨密度, or having a family member with the condition.

How is kyphosis diagnosed?

The doctor makes the diagnosis of kyphosis with a complete medical history, physical examination and diagnostic tests. If the patient is a child, 医生获得患者完整的产前和分娩史,询问是否有其他已知的家庭成员患有后凸症. The doctor will also ask about developmental milestones, 因为某些类型的后凸可能与其他神经肌肉疾病有关. Developmental delays may require further medical evaluation.

Diagnostic procedures may include the following:

  • X-rays. 一种使用不可见的电磁能量束产生内部组织图像的诊断测试, bones and organs onto film. This test is used to measure and evaluate the curve. With the use of a standing lateral, full-spine X-ray, the doctor or radiologist measures the angle of the spinal curve. A curve greater than 50 degrees is considered abnormal or hyperkyphosis.

Early detection of kyphosis is important for successful treatment. Pediatricians or family doctors, and even some school programs, routinely look for signs that kyphosis may be present.

Treatment of Kyphosis

Other than possible pain, 脊柱后凸——除了先天性的畸形——很少对身体内的重要器官和结构产生有害的影响. Treatment is therefore based on the symptoms a person may be experiencing. For example, for those complaining of pain, 加强核心肌肉的锻炼和止痛药物被使用. 对于那些关心曲率如何出现的人,可以使用支撑或姿势练习.

Surgery is only needed in severe cases of kyphosis.

在决定治疗后凸,我们考虑孩子的年龄和数量的增长剩余. 我们还考虑畸形程度和有无背痛.


For mild increases in kyphosis and the flexible postural curves, physical therapy is often prescribed. 每天的家庭锻炼计划侧重于核心强化和背部伸肌拉伸和强化,通常可以成功地管理与后凸相关的问题外观和疼痛.


密尔沃基支具或锁骨上支具用于防止病情恶化,甚至矫正积极成长的儿童的后凸. 该支具由骨科专家开具处方并由矫形师制作. 脊柱后凸大于65度的活跃生长儿童应使用支架. 这种支架通常需要每天佩戴23个小时,直到青少年发育成熟.


严重的后凸引起疼痛或外观问题的青少年可以选择用手术来固定这种畸形. The surgery for kyphosis is a posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation. 手术本身需要4到5个小时,住院时间为3到4天. The recovery is typically four to six weeks at home.

这种手术包括通过背部正中的切口暴露脊柱的骨骼和肌肉. The incision is only the length of the deformity needing correction. The bones of the spine are released and prepared.

Illustration showing the pedicle screw through the pedicle

Then, 2-inch screws made of titanium are placed in the pedicles. Each vertebra has a strong strut of bone on either side called a pedicle. The center of the vertebral column is hollow, forming a channel to house the spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid. Extreme caution is taken to protect the spinal cord. 我们采取的步骤包括使用实时x射线(透视)引导椎弓根螺钉置入,并持续监测脊髓的活动. 这是通过将电极从头到脚放在孩子身上,来回测量信号来完成的. 一位被称为神经生理学家的专家负责解释脊髓监测并提醒外科医生任何变化.

Once all the pedicle screws are in position, the kyphosis is corrected. 这是外科医生为矫正脊柱弓而进行的手术. 由钴铬制成的杆,然后穿过螺钉,螺钉被锁住. Bone graft is taken from the patient’s own rib. 它被切成小火柴棍,沿着脊柱的后面装进去,形成脊柱融合.

最后,用溶解在体内的缝线缝合肌肉层. 最外层的皮肤层是封闭的蝴蝶封闭或缝合胶带. 皮肤愈合后,这些粘合缝线会自行脱落.

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