Primary Sleep Disorders: Parasomnia

睡眠异常障碍包括睡眠中的某些异常行为,如走路或说话. 睡眠异常可分为原发性睡眠异常(睡眠状态障碍)和继发性睡眠异常(可能在睡眠期间出现的其他器官系统障碍), including seizures, respiratory dyskinesia and gastroesophageal reflux).


  • 伴有混乱和迷失方向的突然部分觉醒

  • 梦游,或者是由复杂的运动行为引起的觉醒,比如走路、跑步、说话或吃东西

  • Nightmares and night terrors

  • 在睡眠开始或结束时或在醒来时发生的麻痹

  • Repetitive grinding of the teeth during sleep

These are the 4 most common parasomnias:

  • Nightmares and nightmare disorder

  • Night terrors

  • Bedwetting

  • Sleepwalking

Nightmares and nightmare disorder

噩梦是使睡眠者突然惊醒的可怕的梦. People usually remember vivid details about their nightmares. 如果你反复做同样的噩梦,你就患上了噩梦障碍症.

对于成年人来说,噩梦通常与以下情况有关 post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and schizophrenia. They can happen more often during stressful life situations, such as the death of a loved one, a breakup or divorce, or loss of a job. They can also be related to certain medicines, such as antidepressants, narcotics, or seizure medicines.

Night terrors

Night terrors, also known as sleep terrors, are episodes of fear, confusion, and screaming during sleep. Toddlers experiencing night terrors may try crawling or walking in their sleep; if this happens, they have to be watched so that they don't hurt themselves. 夜惊通常持续几秒到几分钟,通常与梦游一起发生. Unlike with nightmares, 经历夜惊的人不会醒来,也不会记得第二天早上发生的任何事情.

Nightmares and night terrors are more common in children than adults. In children, they are rarely caused by a physical or mental illness. 噩梦和夜惊在有其他睡眠问题的人身上更常见, such as obstructive sleep apnea.

If your child is having nightmares, 他或她通常会突然醒来,可能会来找你安慰. You can explain to your child that he or she has had a bad dream.

经历夜惊的孩子可能会睁着眼睛,看起来是清醒的, yet be confused, glassy-eyed, and unable to communicate. The child is often inconsolable. Your child might also:

  • Sit up in bed

  • Scream or shout

  • Kick or thrash around frantically

  • Breathe heavily and sweat

  • Be hard to wake up or hard to calm down

  • Stare wide-eyed

  • Get out of bed and crawl or run around the house

If your child is having a night terror, 冷静温柔地和孩子说话,尽量让他或她回到床上,不要大喊大叫或摇晃孩子.


Nightmares and night terrors are usually diagnosed by history alone. Some adults might need to undergo more evaluation, such as nerve testing, 以确保他们没有与夜惊相关的潜在问题.


噩梦和夜惊可能很可怕,但通常没什么好担心的.  Most children will outgrow them by the time they are teenagers.  但重要的是要确保你的孩子或家庭成员在夜间不受伤害. 

If your child has night terrors, 你可能需要在楼梯上安装门,以防止受伤,并从家中移除危险物品. 经常夜惊的孩子不应该睡双层床. 如果你或你的家人在睡觉时受伤,一定要和你的医生谈谈.

经常做噩梦和夜惊的成年人可能会从认知行为疗法(CBT)中受益。. CBT可以在咨询师或睡眠医学中心进行,只需要几次治疗就能奏效. 


Doctors refer to nighttime bedwetting as nocturnal enuresis. This condition is fairly common in children. It's not unusual for children younger than 6 to wet the bed. It tends to affect boys more than girls. 遗尿症在父母小时候都有遗尿症的孩子身上也更为常见. 

尿床通常发生在孩子尿量超过膀胱容量的时候. 患有这种疾病的儿童在膀胱充满时不会醒来.


如果孩子过了6岁还尿床,你应该带他去看医生. 医生可能会问你孩子白天和晚上的卫生间习惯,并做身体检查. 医生还会做尿检,看是否有明显的尿床原因, like a urinary tract infection or diabetes.

医生可能会问你孩子在学校和家里的情况. Although your child's bedwetting might be concerning to you, 尿床的孩子通常不会比其他孩子更情绪化.

如果医生没有发现潜在的原因,尿床被称为原发性夜间遗尿. If a separate medical condition, such as a urinary tract infection, diabetes, spinal cord abnormalities, or malformations of body parts like the urethra, is causing the bedwetting, it's called secondary nocturnal enuresis.


Most children do not need treatment for bedwetting. If your doctor decides to treat your child, it will probably be with behavioral therapy or medication. These are possible behavioral therapy treatments:

  • Limit fluids before bedtime.

  • 让你的孩子在就寝时间一开始就去洗手间,然后在上床睡觉之前再去一次.

  • Reward your child for dry nights.

  • 当孩子尿床时,让他帮你换床单吗.

  • Give your child bladder training, 这包括让你的孩子在一天中练习一段时间憋尿,这样膀胱就会伸展以容纳更多的尿液.

If behavioral therapy doesn't work for your child, and he or she is at least 7 years old, your doctor might prescribe medicine. One type of medicine helps the bladder hold more urine, and the other causes the kidneys to make less urine. 这些药物可能有副作用,比如脸颊发红和口干, and they are not a cure for bedwetting. 

Helping your child cope

It is important to remember that bedwetting is not a child's fault. It is not a mental or behavioral problem, 这并不是因为孩子太懒而不愿起床. 你不应该让你的孩子感到内疚或羞愧,或者因为尿床而惩罚他或她. 

Encourage your child to use the bathroom during the night, and place nightlights in hallways and rooms to make this easier. It may be helpful to use a waterproof mattress pad.


Sleepwalking, also know as somnambulism, 是一种人在夜间部分醒来,在不知不觉中走来走去的疾病吗. The sleepwalker might make repetitive movements, such as fumbling with clothing, get out of bed and stroll around, or even talk to you. Sleepwalking is usually not a cause for concern. Most children will outgrow sleepwalking by their teenage years. 

如果你的孩子正在梦游,试着轻轻地引导他或她回到床上. 不要摇晃或对你的孩子大喊大叫,试图唤醒他或她. Another important consideration is your child's safety. As with night terrors, 从家中移走危险物品,并在楼梯上安装门以防止跌倒. Keep doors and windows locked. 

Most children will not need treatment for sleepwalking. 如果你的孩子长时间梦游,或者由于睡眠不足而在白天出现问题, talk with your doctor. 你可能需要写几个星期的睡眠日记,记录孩子梦游的时间. 治疗梦游的一种方法是在孩子正常梦游前15分钟叫醒他, but talk with your doctor before doing so. 

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